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June 2013 Archives

June 7, 2013

Exploring Providence

Every year when Peter attends the EDRA conference I go along. It's been in lots of great cities but this year it was in nearby Providence, which turns out to be a truly great city as well. The whole place is especially walkable, from Down City across to RISD and up to Brown. The art school influence is strong with lots of unique and well-curated small shops and there are fabulous residential loft buildings right in the heart of downtown. Add to that great food - particularly at a restaurant called New Rivers - excellent coffee and one of the season's first Water Fire events, all of which made for a very special visit. I'm ready to go back anytime, a good possibility since it's less than an hour's drive from Boston. Here's a mixture of photos from the trip.

When the Time Comes


So here's what I want to accompany me when I need some extra stability, that is when Peter's not still gallantly holding my elbow. They're available at A+R Global Design. I just hope they'll still be on sale when I'm ready.

Update - 7/22/13
Seems they're no longer carried by A+R but you can get them directly from the maker, Omhu.

June 12, 2013

Night Light

The winds were so strong all afternoon, the trees twirled and writhed in it. Up on the deck after supper, a black sky was underlit by the still bright sun. The storm that seemed certain never came though.

About June 2013

This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in June 2013. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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July 2013 is the next archive.

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