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March 2008 Archives

March 11, 2008

With Ollie

We spent the last two weekends in VT with Ollie and family, though our photos only show Ollie. Well except for one other tree episode, the night before we left. We all tossed and turned while the wind howled again outside, and sure enough, in the morning we saw another hemlock nearly broken off in the middle. The top was still attached, but draped over the power line servicing our house and all our neighbors on Wild Turkey Lane. Luckily the power lines stayed up and we never lost power. When we left on Sunday afternoon, Green Mountain Power had just arrived to look over the situation, so all should be well when we get back up next week.

March 26, 2008

90th Birthday Luncheon

Saturday was a wonderful family outing, celebrating Grandma's 90th birthday at the Granite Grille in Braintree. Fifty people came to the luncheon and were all recognized and thanked by Grandma in a heartfelt, though characteristically lengthy, speech. When asked at the end if he had anything more to add, Grandpa simply said 'Yes. Amen!'. That brought down the house with clapping, cheers and a lot of laughter. Every comic needs his straight man, so it's no wonder they've lived happily together all these years. See the photos.

March 28, 2008

Ollie in Charlestown

Meg, Jason and Ollie stayed with us over the weekend of Grandma H's birthday, and Billy and all of his family came Sunday morning for brunch. Here are some Ollie shots, and a couple of Owen, from the visit.

About March 2008

This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in March 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2008 is the previous archive.

April 2008 is the next archive.

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