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June 2006 Archives

June 1, 2006

Wishing He Was There

Peter's new camera with the super 12X zoom put him right where I suspect he'd like to have been. Instead he was driving to New Hampshire on business when he took this photo through the front windshield.

June 2, 2006


Remember the article in the New Yorker several years ago about Meg and Jason? Well there's a new updated one, also by Rebecca Mead. The online version is better because it's got one of those neat New Yorker line drawings of the two of them, but Jason put up a copy on Flickr.

June 21, 2006

Trip Photos

As usual, following our trip to Las Vegas and California, I've posted a set of pictures on Flickr.

June 22, 2006

Nothing Like 'Em

So that's why I can never bring myself to buy strawberries anywhere; certainly not the giants in the supermarket, nor the California imports in my favorite Trader Joe's, and not even the smaller, homegrown ones at the farmers' market. Mine have to be my Dad's berries despite their being limited to just a few weeks in June and July. They have to be on the small side, with only the occasional larger, lucky berry, missed by the birds, to be savored as extra special. Then the berries have to be cut into pieces, no whole berries allowed, and sit just a bit so they get extra juicy. After that they must go on top of still-warm baking powder biscuits, so their juiciness softens the shortcake and drips around into the bowl. When cream from the pitcher (I never choose whipped) is poured over it all, it must merge with the juice and become a lovely shade of pink. When that bowl sits in front of me I know I'm eating berries with family in Orange, and I don't need or want to eat them anywhere else.

June 28, 2006

Passing Seventy-Five

Hmmm...when I reach the age of 75 will I remember this?

Aagh! This was in yesterday's paper, but already you have to pay to access it unless you have a subscription to the Globe. The lead-in words on the link are the best part anyway. You can probably guess the missing end of the sentence but just in case, it says 'the day'.

About June 2006

This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in June 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

May 2006 is the previous archive.

July 2006 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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