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April 2004 Archives

April 2, 2004

A Time to Celebrate

Family congratulations are in order, starting with my Mom and Dad. We're heading up to Orange this weekend to celebrate a remarkable milestone, their 60th wedding anniversary. I'm looking forward to hearing about courting in Boston when my Dad joined the Navy, the wedding in Grandma's living room, the honeymoon (where did they go? did they even have a honeymoon?), and how right after the wedding, my Dad shipped out to the South Pacific and didn't get home again for nearly two years. With that as a beginning, I suppose the next fifty-eight years were easy in comparison. Then again, people may show great strength in their relationships during difficult times but allow the same relationship to succumb to mundane times. But not them. Keeping a balance and constantly celebrating each other have been hallmarks of their marriage throughout. We're proud to share the celebration with them.

Meg will be with us too, relaxing after the recent beta release of Kinja, the project she's worked on for the past year and more. We congratulate Meg and the whole Kinja team, joining in her co-worker's sentiment. Kinja, go forth and prosper.

April 7, 2004

Continuing to Celebrate

We just can't stop partying. April is full of birthdays on both sides of the family. There's sister-in-law Ruth April 4th, brother-in-law and Miss Mantucket contest winner Bill on the 7th, the same day as my sister Marcia, and slightly belated from the last day of March, my Dad's birthday. Oh and I can't forget my father-in-law, the last birthday to celebrate on April 19th. Best wishes for another year of health and happiness to everyone.

April 16, 2004


In my continuing fascination with the Big Dig and Testa (I should have bought stock in that company), here's one of Peter's shots from a Sunday morning walk in Christopher Columbus Park.

About April 2004

This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in April 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2004 is the previous archive.

May 2004 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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