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December 2002 Archives

December 1, 2002

It was a bittersweet high

It was a bittersweet high school reunion last night in Springfield. When I got the announcment that it would be held in the old high school itself I was especially eager to go, since the building had been made into condos at least twenty-years ago. I never suspected I'd have the chance to enjoy a catered buffet with my classmates in the original cafeteria. The old auditorium floor had been removed, opening the room all the way up to the ceiling three-stories above. And what a grand space with the original white panels and moldings now accented with gray, maroon and gold. Even the loggia, the handy shortcut from front to back, was still there along the side on the second floor. Looking up reminded me of the morning couples' stroll, around and around the hallways before classes began, to see and be seen.

Posted along the walls by the reunion committee, in between articles and notes from classmates who couldn't attend, was one sheet of paper titled 'In Memoriam'. Second from the bottom on the list was my friend Jane Silvia. Though we lost touch when we went off to college, my memories of her wit and my pleasure in spending time with her came flooding back. Driving to swim meets with her family made me resolve to always drive like Jane's mom, with both hands firmly right on the top of the wheel, not at 9 and 3 as Mr. Vaughan urged in Driver's Ed. On those trips we were two high school girls feeling really grand about going to college swim meets with the coach and his team, though I don't think I even really talked to any of the swimmers. It was more just being there with cool, blonde Janie, part of a different world.

It was Jane too, who took me on my first trip ever to New York City, down and back in a single day on the train. Stated purpose for the trip was to tour the United Nations, a building which I vaguely remember. What I do remember though, was lunch at a nearby Japanese restaurant, where we had food like nothing I'd ever seen, and where Jane blithely ordered sake to go along with it. One sip and I knew I was a long way from Springfield. That's what I remember about Jane Silvia, and what I'll always thank her for. She introduced me to a world beyond, a cosmpolitan world that I didn't know existed. Ever since, I've been eager to move into that world and to explore.

December 16, 2002

Did you know I was

Did you know I was not just a Google cook but a meme-making Mom? Well neither did I, but now that I've looked up the definition, I'm very proud. Here's the missing photo and caption from the print version to go along with the online Newsweek article, The World According to Google by Steven Levy. For at least one more day, my picture can still be found on newstands across the US and perhaps the world. Ah fame, however fleeting.

December 18, 2002

So now I know what

So now I know what the big deal is with the Soho Prada store (link via kottke.org, thanks Jason). I'm not sure my Buffalo lady friends and I fully appreciated it when we visited last week. Now that I know though, I'm ready for a return visit where I'll be sure to descend in the huge cylindrical glass elevator, and to try out the dressing room touch screens and moving mirrors allowing me to see my outfit from all angles. Or maybe not, older being wiser in this case.

December 20, 2002

The secret is out, though

The secret is out, though some of us have known it for a long time. Buffalo is a great place, especially for art and architecture lovers as this Boston Globe article points out. But there's even more that didn't make it into the article, like the excellent restaurants, Just Pasta and Rue Franklin, the unique non-wings Buffalo taste treat, beef on weck, and a bonanza of truly wonderful people and great friends who stay committed to the city and its improvement. Don't hesitate to visit.

Tina Brown on shoes

Tina Brown on shoes (scroll down to the last four paragraphs for it) gives me quite the chuckle. I must confess I'd like to join these New York warrior women just to wear the uniform. The only thing that stops me is, 'What would they think at Johnny's?'.

December 27, 2002

I've been scooped! Check out

I've been scooped! Check out megnut for the post I had planned to do on the UNFPA and how the Bush administration reneged on $34 million in funding for it. Then join me in sending in your contribution.

About December 2002

This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in December 2002. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2002 is the previous archive.

January 2003 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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